We've heard from numerous clients that counter-party onboarding and certification is painful. Mainly so because it is manual chore which takes days, if not weeks, to certify a new FIX connection. It doesn't have to be so, and we can help you bring the pain out of excitement of trading a new broker, venue or asset class.
Rules of Engagement
We can design a new Rules of Engagement document, or refine your existing one so that it is comprehensive in covering all aspects of FIX setup. This in turn will make it easy for your counter-parties to understand your FIX interface and connect/certify without prolonged engagements of IT teams on both sides.
We can also help with the design of a framework which would keep this document up-to-date as and when changes are made to FIX interface. We also work with client to create a practice framework around RoE to speed up the onboarding process.
FIX Connection Certification
Though a standards-compliant FIX interface simplifies the counter-party certification process, it should also be facilitated by automation. We help our clients build processes and tools which minimise the manual work out of a Certification process.