FIX Trading Community announces revised guidelines on Execution Analysis in EMEA

FIX Protocol Updates 20 Oct 2015

London, 21st October 2015 – FIX Trading Community, the non-profit, industry-driven standards body at the heart of global financial trading, today announce that it has produced EMEA specific guidelines on Execution Venue Analysis.

These latest revisions focus on adding further clarity around Last Capacity and Liquidity flag definitions, as well as mandating all executing venues, including broker crossing and alternative trading systems, to supply valid Market Identifier Codes (MICs) on their executions.
Originally produced by the FIX Trading Community Global Buy-side Committee to address inconsistencies in brokers’ reports on execution venue on fills, the guidelines have constantly been reviewed to give the Buy-side increased consistency and enhanced transparency.
To meet the ongoing requirements for greater granularity, the EMEA Business Practices Subcommittee has produced a revised set of guidelines to highlight EMEA specific trade scenarios. These specifically relate to different definitions for a broker’s capacity in order execution in the region and the different execution types associated with these. To access these guidelines, please click here.


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