FIXNOX starts offering 'Universal' FIX Protocol training classes in Chicago and Tokyo

Corporate News 29 Apr 2014

In response to demand from customers in these markets, FIXNOX today announced that it will start to offer its popular 'Universal' FIX Protocol training classes in Chicago and Tokyo. Addition of two new cities to our 'Universal' FIX training venues creates better coverage for clients, and gives FIXNOX access to new markets.

First class in Chicago will be conducted on 16 June, and Tokyo on 19 June, while an updated schedule for these and other venues will be maintained on Upcoming FIX Training Classes page. Information on format and contents of this, and our other FIX classes, is available on FIX Protocol Training page.

FIXNOX has also stopped offering scheduled 'Universal' FIX Protocol training classes in Kuala Lumpur due to low interest. Customers in this market can request an adhoc or in-house class by contacting us.


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